Admin notes

Hi everyone, we have just updated this instance to the latest version v0.15. Sorry, it took me a few weeks to roll out this update.

If you want to know what's changed, have a look at the official changelog on GitHub.

Hi everyone, I have canceled the old server and just moved this instance to a new one. Automatic backups FTW! I hope everything went alright – at least I did not noticed any problems.

If you encounter anything unusual feel free to contact me!

Hi everyone, we have just updated this instance to the latest version v0.14. We had waited a few days after the release if any major bugs came up, but it seems it's just fine. 👌

Major new features

  • Fediverse verification
  • An official contact page

You may want to check out the official changelog on GitHub

Future update

It seems like the writefreely developer(s) got some free time and it looks like the next update may arrive sooner™

Server update

We plan to move this instance to a different server in the coming weeks. This should improve monitoring for admins and a better backup solution (which was luckily not needed yet).

Hi everyone!

This instance has just been updated to the latest version of WriteFreely (v0.13.2) – it just took me 2 months & a mail from one of our users. 😪

Apperently the last big Mastodon update (v4) broke some compatability with WriteFreely – resulting that you could not follow new blogs from Mastodon instances. (You can read about it here, where other humans brought up the issue.)

Already followed blogs/follow relationships where not affacted, so I did not noticed the bug myself. Instead I got a mail from one of our users this morning, alerting me to this bug.

Long story short: fixed & updated to the latest version 🎉 If you wanna know what's new, have a look at the official changelog.

I have disabled direct registration on this instance a few weeks ago – right before the current influx of new users on the Fediverse.

Good timing, I guess.

I tried to keep manually deleting all these spam posts, but it was to much too handle (or more: I was too lazy to check the database regularly for new spam posts).

The current registration system is working out great for the moment. People even add some introduction/CV on their mails – and they are all great. I never required this (nor do I plan to require it in the future), but it is very lovely. 🧡 Thanks!

BTW: There was a new #WriteFreely release a few days ago and I'm planning to update this instance soon™.

~ Jan

I have deleted ca. 5000 entries on this instance today. SO. MUCH. SEO. BULLSHIT…

If I have deleted your post by accident too, please feel free to contact me by mail. I have a backup and will restore your posts as soon as possible.

WriteFreely needs a way to deal with this SEO spam issue. Maybe I'll look into adding a captcha for registration – even though these are rarely accessible for handicapped people.